Sample Coaching Agreement

All clients undertaking individual coaching sessions are required to complete an individual coaching agreement. This is a sample of the wording of this type of agreement.

This Service Agreement is between:

Dr Debra Carnes (trading as Virtual Praxis) (‘coach’) and________________________________________.

This Service Agreement outlines how Dr Debra Carnes (trading as Virtual Praxis) will provide:


[Insert client name and address here]


with Wellness Coaching Services according to the terms of this agreement.


About Coaching

Coaching is a professional relationship, based on Positive Psychology, which supports and empowers you to stretch and grow beyond what you can do on your own, to become the healthier person you wish to be. 

About the Program and Sessions

This program is designed to help you to develop strategies relating to stress, anxiety and/or burn-out.

In our sessions, I will support you to set realistic goals and maintain a steady course for success.  If you start falling into old habits, that’s normal!  Your program will support and encourage you to work around this.

We will have ____________________________________________________________________________

[insert number of sessions, duration and location; and time period over which they occur]


The First Step – Your Wellness Questionnaire

Your wellness questionnaire sets the scene for our first coaching session. It helps you define what is working right now and consider what you’d like to change going forward. The questionnaire helps you find your wellness priorities and formulate ideas for the direction you want to take.

My Services and Responsibilities as Your Coach

·       I will be punctual and responsive.

·       My role is to help you develop strategies for your wellness, and support you to develop goals for your wellness .

·       Through a coaching inquiry, I will encourage you to identify your wellness vision, motivators, obstacles, and strategies to overcome your obstacles, and commit to improving your wellness.

·       I will listen to you attentively and without judgment or my own agenda.

·       Where possible I will ask questions and encourage you to arrive at your own answers.

·       I will encourage realistic expectations and goals.

·       I will be direct and firm with feedback when needed.

·       I will help identify creative solutions for you to attempt to get around roadblocks.

·       I will provide information if requested to help you engineer wellness activities into your busy life.

·       I will ask your permission before providing advice or direction.

·       I will recognise early whether the chemistry with you is not optimal and refer you to another coach.

·       I will acknowledge issues outside my scope of knowledge and skill and recommend other avenues.

·       I understand that information discussed will be held as confidential

·       I will facilitate an agreement that makes clear the nature of the wellness coaching process.

Your Responsibilities as My Client

·       I will be punctual and responsive.

·       I want to develop strategies to support improving my level of wellness.

·       I believe that a higher level of wellness will bring me powerful benefits that are very important to me.

·       I am ready to take responsibility to make and sustain changes in at least one area of wellness.

·       I am ready to invest at least three months to make improvements.

·       I will be open and honest, and I will share personal information that is relevant to wellness.

·       I am ready to become more self-aware.

·       I am open to suggestions and trying new things.

·       I understand that setbacks are normal and necessary in order to establish new behaviours.

·       I will ask for the support, feedback or resources I need.

·       I understand that coaching is not to be used as a substitute for professional advice and will seek independent professional guidance for such matters.

·       I will let my coach know as soon as possible if a problem is arising that could affect this agreement.

Terms of Service

·       This agreement commences on _____ /_____ /_____

·       By signing this contract, you agree that:

o   Any information or guidance provided by Dr Debra Carnes (trading as Virtual Praxis) is not a substitute for the consultation, diagnosis, and/or medical treatment of your doctor or healthcare provider.

o   You must not rely on any information or guidance we provide you with as an alternative to medical advice from your doctor or healthcare provider.

o   Dr Debra Carnes (trading as Virtual Praxis) expressly disclaims all responsibility, and shall have no liability, for any damages, loss, injury, or liability whatsoever suffered by you or any third party as a result of your reliance on any information or guidance we provide you with.

o   If you have any specific questions or concerns about any medical matter, you should consult your doctor or healthcare provider as soon as possible.

o   If you think you may be suffering from any medical condition, you should seek immediate medical attention from your healthcare provider.

o   You are strongly advised not to delay seeking medical advice, disregard medical advice or discontinue medical treatment because of information or guidance we provide you with.

o   Nothing in this disclaimer will limit or exclude any liability that may not be limited or excluded by applicable law

o   that you will do your own research into these Services and determine their suitability for you, before you commence; and

o   that you allow Dr Debra Carnes (trading as Virtual Praxis) access, collect, share and use data that you provide or that is collected in the provision of Services.

·       You will pay all fees in full within 30 days of the date of this agreement.

·       Respectfully, no claims are made.

·       Appointment times are by agreement.

·       Cancellation: 24 hours’ notice is required. Please refer to our Cancellation and Refund Policy.

·       Privacy: we will take all due care with your personal information. Please refer to our Privacy Policy.

·       Invoices are issued on 7 day terms.

I understand and agree to the Terms of this Service Agreement:


_______________________________    _______________________________  _____ /_____ /_____

                   Client Name                                                        Signature                                     Date

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